Oral Sema Market-Shaping; Novo's ADA 2019 PIONEER Presentation
Here is a brief preview of this blast: On the last session of the last day at ADA 2019, there was a dedicated plenary session for the oral semaglutide development program. Despite the timing, the session was very well attended. The session provided an overview of the oral semaglutide molecule, its place in clinical practice (PIONEER 1, 5, and 8), comparison to alternative therapies (PIONEER 2, 3, 4, 7), and CVOT safety and efficacy results (PIONEER 6). Of note, approximately half of the time was dedicated to PIONEER 6. Below, FENIX provides additional thoughts on oral semaglutide including the ongoing regulatory situation, Novo Nordisk's clear initiation of market-shaping activities, and insight into how oral semaglutide may fuel new patient lead generation of its entire portfolio.