New Cigna/ESI Insulin Savings Program Introduced Ahead of Congressional Hearing
Here is a brief preview of this blast: Cigna and Express Scripts announced a new insulin "Patient Assurance Program" that will cap the out-of-pocket cost for a 30-day insulin supply to $25 for eligible patients on participating plans (Cigna purchased ESI in December 2018). Of note, the new savings program was announced ~1 week ahead of the third Senate Finance Committee hearing on drug pricing which is scheduled for April 9, 2019, at 10:15 AM ET. The third installment, titled "Drug Pricing in America: A Prescription for Change, Part III," will focus specifically on the role of PBMs. Below, FENIX provides thoughts on the Cigna/ESI insulin savings program as an obvious strategy to redirect the focus away from themselves and back onto insulin manufacturers.