DAPA-HF is a Home Run, But Results Remain Unpublished
Full results from AstraZeneca’s Farxiga DAPA-HF trial were presented at ESC 2019. Data from the trial showed an impressive 26% RRR (p<0.0001) in the primary composite endpoint (CV death or worsening of heart failure) with both components contributing to the highly statistically significant result. Additionally, Novartis presented results from the Entresto PARAGON-HF trial (patients with HFpEF) which narrowly missed statistical significance on the primary endpoint but showed benefit in key subpopulations. Of note, it appears that DAPA-HF has not yet been published in any scientific journal, and the p-value in the AZ press release did not exactly match what was presented during ESC 2019. Below, FENIX provides thoughts on the DAPA-HF and PARAGON-HF results in the context of the evolving HF market.