
DECLARE Disappoints, Yet Creates Many Implications

Results from the Farxiga CVOT, DECLARE, were presented at the American Heart Association conference (AstraZeneca press release) along with a simultaneous publication in the NEJM. Below, FENIX provides thoughts on the many market implications. DECLARE Initial Takeaways and Potential Implications  (In no particular order…) The DECLARE 17% RRR in the composite primary endpoint could be viewed as somewhat underwhelming since there was no CV death benefit, unlike EMPA-REG’s 38% RRR in CV death. Perhaps, though, the 27% RRR in hHF in DECLARE is in the ballpark of RRR based on EMPA-REG and CANVAS/R hHF sub-analyses. At first glance, the DECLARE indication……

About The Author

Matthew Maryniak

President of Fenix Group International

Matthew has been a thought leader in the high-growth therapeutic areas of diabetes and cardiovascular medicine since 2006, making regular attendance at large and small CV/met scientific meetings and an architect of novel methods for assessing market opportunities. He has over a decade of experience in leading CV/met consulting engagements, is a published author in PM360 and Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, and has been quoted in The Pink Sheet on anti-thrombotics.

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