Here is a brief preview of this blast: Lilly hosted an ADA investor event in which the company covered tirzepatide, tri-agonist GGG, QW basal insulin, oral incretins, and a summary slide of Lilly’s CVRM R&D portfolio. Below, FENIX provides highlights and insights from the event, including why GGG won’t progress beyond Ph2.
About The Author
Matthew Maryniak
President of Fenix Group International
Matthew has been a thought leader in the high-growth therapeutic areas of diabetes and cardiovascular medicine since 2006, making regular attendance at large and small CV/met scientific meetings and an architect of novel methods for assessing market opportunities. He has over a decade of experience in leading CV/met consulting engagements, is a published author in PM360 and Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, and has been quoted in The Pink Sheet on anti-thrombotics.