Daprodustat FDA Adcom Scheduled for October 26, 2022
Here is a brief preview of this blast: FDA has requested an advisory committee on October 26, 2022, to discuss the use of GSK’s daprodustat for the treatment of anemia due to CKD in non-dialysis dependent (NDD) and dialysis-dependent (DD) adults (view FDA document here). Recall, in April 2022, FDA accepted the daprodustat NDA and set a PDUFA date for February 1, 2023, suggesting a standard review of 12 months total for an NME (previous FENIX insight). The NDA was based on positive results from five Ph3 studies in the ASCEND program which were reported in July 2021 (previous FENIX insight). Below, FENIX provides brief thoughts on the dapro adcom in the context of roxadustat and vadadustat.