
Provention Bio Launches T1DM Screening Awareness Campaign

Provention Bio announced that yesterday, the company launched a national campaign to bring awareness to the importance of screening people with a family history of T1DM. The campaign is made of two complementary modules: Connected by T1D (for providers) and Type 1 Tested (for patients). The campaign initiation follows Provention’s announcement that the clinical module for the teplizumab BLA rolling submission has been submitted to FDA, leaving only the final CMC module to be submitted later this year. Below, FENIX provides thoughts on the campaign in the context of the FDA review of teplizumab.

About The Author

Matthew Maryniak

President of Fenix Group International

Matthew has been a thought leader in the high-growth therapeutic areas of diabetes and cardiovascular medicine since 2006, making regular attendance at large and small CV/met scientific meetings and an architect of novel methods for assessing market opportunities. He has over a decade of experience in leading CV/met consulting engagements, is a published author in PM360 and Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, and has been quoted in The Pink Sheet on anti-thrombotics.

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