Tag Archives: Basaglar

Lilly Initiates New Connected Pen Trial

A CT.gov record has recently been observed for a Lilly-sponsored trial evaluating the user experience of its “integrated insulin management” system (IIM) in both T1DM and T2DM adult patients. According to the CT.gov record, the IIM system is comprised of lispro and/or glargine pens, a mobile medical application (MMA), a BLE insulin data transmission (IDT) module, and a commercially available BLE-enabled BGM. Below, FENIX provides an overview of the trial as well as thoughts on how it could indicate Lilly is further behind in its connected pen ecosystem development than originally thought.

About The Author

Matthew Maryniak

President of Fenix Group International

Matthew has been a thought leader in the high-growth therapeutic areas of diabetes and cardiovascular medicine since 2006, making regular attendance at large and small CV/met scientific meetings and an architect of novel methods for assessing market opportunities. He has over a decade of experience in leading CV/met consulting engagements, is a published author in PM360 and Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, and has been quoted in The Pink Sheet on anti-thrombotics.

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Thoughts on Lilly’s “Tempo Pen” for Connected Care

In November 2019, the product labels for Lilly’s Basaglar and Humalog were updated to include administration via a new disposable connected pen called the “Tempo Pen.” Ahead of Lilly’s Q1 ’20 earnings call on Thursday, April 23, FENIX provides thoughts on the Tempo Pen since Lilly has not made any public announcements as of yet.

About The Author

Matthew Maryniak

President of Fenix Group International

Matthew has been a thought leader in the high-growth therapeutic areas of diabetes and cardiovascular medicine since 2006, making regular attendance at large and small CV/met scientific meetings and an architect of novel methods for assessing market opportunities. He has over a decade of experience in leading CV/met consulting engagements, is a published author in PM360 and Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, and has been quoted in The Pink Sheet on anti-thrombotics.

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Lilly to Invest $400M in Diabetes Manufacturing

Lilly announced plans to invest $400M in its Lilly Technology Center campus in Indianapolis. The capital investment is said to include enhancements to existing manufacturing facilities that make Lilly insulin, expanding capacity for other marketed diabetes products, and initial capital investments for future medicines. Below, FENIX provides brief thoughts on Lilly’s investments including insights into which products are likely benefiting.

About The Author

Matthew Maryniak

President of Fenix Group International

Matthew has been a thought leader in the high-growth therapeutic areas of diabetes and cardiovascular medicine since 2006, making regular attendance at large and small CV/met scientific meetings and an architect of novel methods for assessing market opportunities. He has over a decade of experience in leading CV/met consulting engagements, is a published author in PM360 and Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, and has been quoted in The Pink Sheet on anti-thrombotics.

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