Tag Archives: NVO

Oral Semaglutide Superior to Januvia at 78 Weeks (PIONEER 3)

Novo Nordisk has announced topline results from the PIONEER 3 study demonstrating superiority in A1C and weight loss at 26 and 78 weeks for 7 and 14 mg oral semaglutide vs. 100 mg Januvia. 3 mg oral semaglutide was statistically significantly inferior to Januvia in A1C. Below, FENIX provides additional insight into oral semaglutide development based on the results from PIONEER 3.

About The Author

Matthew Maryniak

President of Fenix Group International

Matthew has been a thought leader in the high-growth therapeutic areas of diabetes and cardiovascular medicine since 2006, making regular attendance at large and small CV/met scientific meetings and an architect of novel methods for assessing market opportunities. He has over a decade of experience in leading CV/met consulting engagements, is a published author in PM360 and Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, and has been quoted in The Pink Sheet on anti-thrombotics.

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ADA ’18 Key Data Press Releases (June 24)

4 major press releases featuring new data presented at ADA ’18 were observed across diabetes drugs and devices. Below, FENIX has provided context and analysis of these announcements.

About The Author

Matthew Maryniak

President of Fenix Group International

Matthew has been a thought leader in the high-growth therapeutic areas of diabetes and cardiovascular medicine since 2006, making regular attendance at large and small CV/met scientific meetings and an architect of novel methods for assessing market opportunities. He has over a decade of experience in leading CV/met consulting engagements, is a published author in PM360 and Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, and has been quoted in The Pink Sheet on anti-thrombotics.

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New Novo CVOT strategy; ADA ’18 Analyst Briefing

Novo hosted its annual ADA analyst briefing (presentation slides), predominantly discussing oral semaglutide. Of note, Novo disclosed they are no longer conducting a large-scale CVOT for Ozempic (formerly SOUL), instead leveraging the results of both SUSTAIN 6 and PIONEER 6 between injectable and oral semaglutide. Novo senior management said they believe it will be difficult for PIONEER 6 to demonstrate CV benefit at p < 0.05 given the low number of pre-specified events will require a large reduction in the hazard ratio. Additionally, Novo stated they plan to file oral semaglutide in mid-2019. Below are highlights from the ADA analyst event including three potential scenarios for injectable and oral semaglutide CV indications.

About The Author

Matthew Maryniak

President of Fenix Group International

Matthew has been a thought leader in the high-growth therapeutic areas of diabetes and cardiovascular medicine since 2006, making regular attendance at large and small CV/met scientific meetings and an architect of novel methods for assessing market opportunities. He has over a decade of experience in leading CV/met consulting engagements, is a published author in PM360 and Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, and has been quoted in The Pink Sheet on anti-thrombotics.

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Drug ADA ‘18 Key Data Press Releases (June 23)

21 major press releases featuring new data presented at ADA ’18 were observed across diabetes drugs, devices, and apps, a major increase from 9 on the first day of ADA ‘17. Below, FENIX has provided context and analysis for 14 drug-related announcements, with analysis of device and app-related announcements to follow in a separate alert.

About The Author

Matthew Maryniak

President of Fenix Group International

Matthew has been a thought leader in the high-growth therapeutic areas of diabetes and cardiovascular medicine since 2006, making regular attendance at large and small CV/met scientific meetings and an architect of novel methods for assessing market opportunities. He has over a decade of experience in leading CV/met consulting engagements, is a published author in PM360 and Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, and has been quoted in The Pink Sheet on anti-thrombotics.

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More Thoughts on PIONEER-4 and Potential Novo Regulatory Strategy for Oral Semaglutide

For the four Ph3a oral semaglutide trial data disclosures thus far, Novo has consistently discussed two statistical analyses performed: on-treatment and intention-to-treat. FENIX believes this directly plays into Novo’s oral semaglutide regulatory strategy including preparing for an FDA adcom, the submission dossier, and proposed product label. Below, FENIX discusses more thoughts in the context of the PIONEER-1 study and potential label implications from Novo’s statistical representations that could allow for PIONEER-4 superiority vs. Victoza in the label.

About The Author

Matthew Maryniak

President of Fenix Group International

Matthew has been a thought leader in the high-growth therapeutic areas of diabetes and cardiovascular medicine since 2006, making regular attendance at large and small CV/met scientific meetings and an architect of novel methods for assessing market opportunities. He has over a decade of experience in leading CV/met consulting engagements, is a published author in PM360 and Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, and has been quoted in The Pink Sheet on anti-thrombotics.

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Novo Suspends Ph1 Stable Glucagon Analog Study

The CT.gov record for Novo’s Ph1 stable glucagon analog study (NN9030) has been updated, and the trial is now listed as “Suspended (Evaluation of data).” Below, FENIX provides potential scenarios for the recruitment suspension.

About The Author

Matthew Maryniak

President of Fenix Group International

Matthew has been a thought leader in the high-growth therapeutic areas of diabetes and cardiovascular medicine since 2006, making regular attendance at large and small CV/met scientific meetings and an architect of novel methods for assessing market opportunities. He has over a decade of experience in leading CV/met consulting engagements, is a published author in PM360 and Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, and has been quoted in The Pink Sheet on anti-thrombotics.

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Novo’s Oral Semaglutide Beats Victoza and Januvia

Novo Nordisk has announced topline results from the Ph3 PIONEER 4 (vs. 1.8mg Victoza) and PIONEER 7 (3, 7, and 14 mg oral sema dose escalation vs. Januvia) studies. Both trials met their primary outcomes (non-inferiority to Victoza and superiority to Januvia), and oral semaglutide also demonstrated statistically significant A1C and weight reduction vs. Victoza. Additionally, FENIX provides insight into a potential relationship between PIONEER 7 dose escalation and discontinuation rates observed in the reported PIONEER studies.

About The Author

Matthew Maryniak

President of Fenix Group International

Matthew has been a thought leader in the high-growth therapeutic areas of diabetes and cardiovascular medicine since 2006, making regular attendance at large and small CV/met scientific meetings and an architect of novel methods for assessing market opportunities. He has over a decade of experience in leading CV/met consulting engagements, is a published author in PM360 and Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, and has been quoted in The Pink Sheet on anti-thrombotics.

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Novo Partners with Kallyope for Early-Stage Diabetes/Obesity R&D

Novo Nordisk has announced a partnership with Kallyope for the discovery of peptides to treat diabetes and obesity. Below, FENIX provides thoughts on the Novo/Kallyope collaboration and apparent change in R&D strategy.

About The Author

Matthew Maryniak

President of Fenix Group International

Matthew has been a thought leader in the high-growth therapeutic areas of diabetes and cardiovascular medicine since 2006, making regular attendance at large and small CV/met scientific meetings and an architect of novel methods for assessing market opportunities. He has over a decade of experience in leading CV/met consulting engagements, is a published author in PM360 and Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, and has been quoted in The Pink Sheet on anti-thrombotics.

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New Fiasp/Medtronic 670G Study on CT.gov

A CT.gov record for a study evaluating Novo’s Fiasp (faster-acting insulin aspart) in a Medtronic 670G pump has been observed. This Ph4 study is sponsored by Bruce Buckingham’s lab at Stanford, and Medtronic is listed as a collaborator (Novo is not believed to be part of the study). Recall, the Fiasp label does not include designation for use in insulin pumps. Below, FENIX provides insight into the use of ultra-rapid-acting insulin in pumps as well as why a future commercial partnership between Novo and Medtronic could make sense.

About The Author

Matthew Maryniak

President of Fenix Group International

Matthew has been a thought leader in the high-growth therapeutic areas of diabetes and cardiovascular medicine since 2006, making regular attendance at large and small CV/met scientific meetings and an architect of novel methods for assessing market opportunities. He has over a decade of experience in leading CV/met consulting engagements, is a published author in PM360 and Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, and has been quoted in The Pink Sheet on anti-thrombotics.

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Victoza T2DM Pediatric Study Completed

The CT.gov record for Novo’s pediatric Victoza study (ELLIPSE) has recently been updated to “completed.” Assuming Novo files ELLIPSE by the end of Q2 ’18, approval is projected in H1 ’19 with an 8 to 10-month review. Below, FENIX provides implications and market context for the Victoza pediatric label update.

About The Author

Matthew Maryniak

President of Fenix Group International

Matthew has been a thought leader in the high-growth therapeutic areas of diabetes and cardiovascular medicine since 2006, making regular attendance at large and small CV/met scientific meetings and an architect of novel methods for assessing market opportunities. He has over a decade of experience in leading CV/met consulting engagements, is a published author in PM360 and Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, and has been quoted in The Pink Sheet on anti-thrombotics.

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