Thoughts on Oral Sema and Ozempic Filings; 3 NDAs to De-risk Regulatory Uncertainty
In what is believed to be a first, Novo Nordisk simultaneously filed three NDAs for oral semaglutide T2DM glycemic control, oral semaglutide CV risk reduction, and Ozempic CV risk reduction. The timings for the filings, including the use of the priority review voucher (PRV) for oral semaglutide, are in line with Novo’s previous guidance (by the end of Q1 ’19). Novo’s decision to simultaneously file oral semaglutide and the Ozempic CV indication ahead of REWIND data at ADA confirms FENIX’s previous insight. Below, FENIX provides thoughts and insights into Novo’s probable reasoning behind three separate filings as a means to de-risk the submissions, insight into potential approval timings for all 3 products, and an updated REWIND filing scenario that could result in a Q4 2019 2-day FDA adcom discussing GLP-1RA CVOTs.